Monument to declaring independence in 1988. Downed Russian MIG fighter.
Everyone was really friendly, but the combination of the level of attention we gathered and the crowds felt a bit uneasy.
The mural at the base of the monument is pretty awesome
Streets of Hargeisa
Restaurant at Damal Hotel, where we stayed.
Just like in Mogadishu, businesses have murals of what they sell on the outside of the business. Here there are usually clearly written English signs as well, whereas in Mogadishu many shops have just the pictures only outside.
Khat stand, usually very rowdy places from what I saw.
Money changers in Hargeisa. There is a whole street with these type of vendors.
Laas Geel, a group of Somali college students was there before we arrived. Afterwards, we had the place to ourselves.
Paintings at several sites here are dated to ~10,000 years old. With how bright they are, really hard to fathom.
The spikiest cacti I've ever seen. I had a broken cactus spine puncture the sole of my shoe at one point.
This is the second site we went to, lower in the valley. Really crowded with imagery.
Berbera harbor, a few hours from Laas Geel, on the coast.
Paying the bill, lunch for four, in Somaliland shillings.
The camel market in Hargeisa, a real spectacle. The camels and people were a spectacle to us, and we were a spectacle to them.
Perfectly ripe prickly pear fruit.